Sexuality: Homosexual and Heterosexual Conceptions in the Selected Poems of Walt Whitman
Homosexual, Heterosexual, Walt Whitman, Sexuality, PoetryAbstract
This literary research aims to analyze the selected poems of Walt Whitman: “Not Heat Flames Up and Consumes,” “When I Heard at the Close of the Day,” “A Woman Waits for Me,” and “Spontaneous Me.” This study assumes that the selected poems depict sexuality such as homosexual and heterosexual nuances. The text of the poems supporting the study’s assumptions is descriptively analyzed based on archetypal theory and formalistic theories. This in-depth study further utilizes a qualitative method of discourse analysis in scrutinizing the representative poems. Findings revealed three phases: a) Signifier and signified transaction; b) conceptualization of imagery; and c) Author's Insightful textual view. It is concluded that Walt Whitman’s selected poems reveal homosexual and heterosexual manifestations.
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